Genesis 4:25
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וַיֵּ֨דַע אָדָ֥ם עוֹד֙ אֶת־אִשְׁתּ֔וֹ וַתֵּ֣לֶד בֵּ֔ן וַתִּקְרָ֥א אֶת־שְׁמ֖וֹ שֵׁ֑ת כִּ֣י שָֽׁת־לִ֤י אֱלֹהִים֙ זֶ֣רַע אַחֵ֔ר תַּ֣חַת הֶ֔בֶל כִּ֥י הֲרָג֖וֹ קָֽיִן׃
And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: ‘for God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel; for Cain slew him.’
Tree Probability: 0.093
Avg Tree Probability: 0.831

Isomorphic Trees (with leaves) -- 1
Genesis 4:25
Isomorphic Trees (internal nodes) -- 7
Genesis 4:25
Genesis 32:5
Genesis 50:4
Exodus 6:1
Ezekiel 39:1
I Samuel 25:24
II Chronicles 33:16